<% languageid = 1 pid = requests("pid", 1) if pid = "" then response.redirect "in3.html" response.end end if 欢迎访问梅塞尔中国网站
<% sql = " select pictitle, b.showdate, picdes, picurl1, picurl2, a.picclassid, b.classurl, a.picshowtype " sql = sql & " from tbl_pic a " sql = sql & " inner join tbl_pic_class b on a.picclassid=b.picclassid and b.flag=1 " sql = sql & " where 1=1 " sql = sql & " and a.languageid=1 " sql = sql & " and a.flag=1 " sql = sql & " and picid=" & pid set rs = conn.execute (sql) if not rs.eof then strrelatenews = "" if isnull(rs(6)) or rs(6) = "" then else strrelatenews = " " strrelatenews = strrelatenews & "相关新闻 " end if if rs(7) = 1 then strshowsize = " width=""150""" else strshowsize = " width=""188""" end if %>




Preview />
<% sql = " select name, showdate, picclassid " sql = sql & " from tbl_pic_class " sql = sql & " where 1=1 " sql = sql & " and languageid=1 " sql = sql & " and flag=1 " sql = sql & " and picclassid in (select distinct picclassid from tbl_pic where flag=1 and picid<>" & pid & ") " sql = sql & " and picclassid=" & rs(5) set rs = conn.execute (sql) do while not rs.eof %> <% response.write showpic2(pid) %>
<% rs.movenext loop response.write "


" ' response.write showpicclsbypicid(rs("picid")) end if function showpic2(pid) dim rs sql = " select * " sql = sql & " from tbl_pic " sql = sql & " where 1=1 " sql = sql & " and languageid=1 " sql = sql & " and flag=1 " sql = sql & " and picid<>" & pid sql = sql & " and picclassid=(select picclassid from tbl_pic " sql = sql & " where picid=" & pid sql = sql & " )" set rs = conn.execute (sql) do while not rs.eof if rs("picshowtype") = 1 then strshowsize = " width=""97""" else strshowsize = " width=""138""" end if %> ">" alt="Thumbnail" border="0"<%=strshowsize%> /> <%=rs("pictitle")%> <% rs.movenext loop end function %>


MedienDownload - pictures and diagrams
" rs.movenext loop %>